Monthly Archives: July 2018

Football Practice

We only had four players turn up to play powerchair football today. The coach decided to make the game court smaller as it be two vs two players. We played a game which actually was fun and the supporters on the sidelines got some good entertainment. The end result was 4-0 to my team. I scored all four goals which was a surprise as I often set up the goals by taking the corner hits. Overall it was a great and fun game and all players enjoyed it.

Johanna Basford Lost Ocean Colouring Canvas – Seahorse

My third canvas completed. I enjoyed colouring this but was quite detailed in areas as you can see. I decided to do two different colour themes and it looks unique. I used TomBow brush/fine tip markers including the blender.

Afternoon with Girls and Dinner Out

Mum and Dad dropped Elliott and Piper off to spend some time with me. I had some chalk and they went and drew all over the driveway. They drew a garden, flowers, butterfly, bumblebee and there dog Zig and lots of other things. Piper drew up a hopscotch game, got a stone and I threw the stone and she jumped the squares. Later they wanted to do some colouring. Had a fun time with them and they enjoyed it too. Later Mum and Dad arrived back and we headed off to Bricklane Restaurant for dinner. The girls had fish, hotdogs and chips for dinner while the rest of us all had Duck. A nice evening out and a yummy meal.

Elliott and Piper and Winter Shoes

I enjoyed spending some time with Elliott and Piper this morning. We made some Caramilk chocolate crackles, using coco pops. The girls made twenty crackles and we put them in the fridge to set. They then wanted to colour in. I printed off there animal colouring page on request and they coloured them in, I coloured in a tiger. We then had a chocolate crackle we made and it was yummy!! Mum arrived and after some lunch they went off to the airport to pick up Anna.

Dad and I went back to the Orthotic Centre to finally get my Winter shoes. They look good and so far feel comfortable. I left my Summer shoes there to be re-soled and re-lined then they will send them to me.

Pixie’s Check Up

Pixie’s vet check up went surprisingly well. Once my support worker and I got her in the cage, the vet and nurse came. The vet got hold of Pixie’s scruff to find she relaxed a bit and gave her the vaccination. He then listened to her heart, lungs and felt her tummy and even got to look at her teeth without a growl from Pixie. The vet said Pixie was all good. I was quite surprised myself as I thought Pixie would bolt once cage is open a bit and start clawing everyone. Afterwards I found Pixie peeking out from my bed, under the duvet. Pixie got some treats for her good behaviour.