Monthly Archives: May 2019


Loved doing these Sunflowers. From Twilight Garden Colouring Book, Author Maria Trolle. I used Prisma pencils.

Powerchair Football Practice

Dad and I headed off to powerchair football in Albany, we had to be there at 10am as we are starting half an hour earlier. It was freezing in the gym but I warmed up a little bit during practice. We played our volleyball drill game first then a game. The game was pretty good although not a lot of passing this time round.

We all then had a club lunch at a nice restaurant. I had some Pawn Ginger Wontons with a ginger beer drink. It was nice to get together after a practice.


I asked the nurse if the Doctor could give me a ring as I hurt my arm. He rang me and we discussed it and he was concerned about it so offered to do a home visit on his way home. The Doctor turned up in the evening and had a look at my arm after hearing how I had done it. His concern dropped as I still had my arm strength, if the strength had been lost then I would need surgery to gain it back.

What he said I’ve done is called a biceps tendon rupture. I have two bicep muscles which are each attached to two tendons which are attached to the arm/shoulder bone. The inner bicep muscle has torn away from the tendon and the muscle has shortened and created a big ball of muscle that has lowered down near my elbow (Popeye’s Muscle). This ball of muscle is swollen and painful so he suggested to take some pain relief. The Doctor said the pain will go away and most people can rely on the second bicep muscle in doing tasks as well as using the damaged muscle.

Hurt Left Arm

Things are not going great for me this week. I was again on the toilet getting myself ready for bed and I was positioning my feet with my hands like I do before I do a transfer. While doing that I got a sudden sharp pain and another pop type noise in my left upper arm (my bad shoulder arm). The pain was intense and I had a little trouble moving my arm for a mew minutes.

I freaked out as I am now wondering if I have stuffed up my rotator cuff shoulder. I was still able to move my arm and my shoulder had not gained anymore pain, just my muscle area in my arm. I managed to get myself to bed which was good. When pulling on the rail from my bed to help me turn, that is where my muscle felt like it was burning so something is not right. Only the odd things I do hurt my upper arm otherwise I was able to carry on with things.

Hurt my Ribs Again

While I was on the toilet this morning I leant awkwardly to the right side more than I usually do and felt some sharp pain along with a pop noise. I knew what I had done as this is the second time now I’ve done this. I’ve rolled my lower rib over the other rib, something like that as every time I lean to the right side I get pain. This usually takes a few weeks for the pain to ease and get back to normal. I think I need to find out why this happens so I can prevent it as it makes doing some things even more difficult.

Script Manual Backup Wheelchair

My wheelchair therapist Maria and Chris from Melrose came to visit me today to script up a replacement backup chair. The manual chair is not just a backup as I use it every morning to get ready for the day and every evening to get from powerchair to bed.

The new manual chair has to be the same as my old one for me to maintain my independence. Chris took a lot of measurements and the odd photo and talked to me about wheel options and other things. Maria now needs to apply for funding then the chair can be ordered which could take several months.

North Auckland Powerchair Club Practice

This is my fifth practice I’ve gone to and I’m decided to to join the North Auckland Powerchair Football Club (NAPFC). I’ve left the other club I was involved in. We did some game drills first which was fun. We then played a game and I scored a few goals from some nice passing. I was presented with the Player of the Day trophy at the end of practice.

Double Page Colouring

Flowers, multi-coloured lilies, bunnys and veges. The background was done in pastels along with a Bokeh effect (my first attempt). From Twilight Garden Colouring Book, Author Maria Trolle. I used Prisma pencils.