Massive Spring Clean Complete!

Over the past two months maybe more, I’ve been doing a massive spring clean out of everything. I had three areas to sort, stuff to donate, stuff to bin and a couple things to sell.

I started with my clothes which seemed easier than i thought, I gave four boxes of clothes away. I then went through everything else in my bedroom and sorted it into the above three area’s most of it was to donate.

I then did the same in the spare room, this was a big job and I got rid of pretty much all of it. This involved VHS movies and motor sport, computer games, board games, puzzles, photo frames, storage units and a whole lot more. I then cleared out my storage drawers of stuff and that involved a lot of ripping up paper. I even found some very old computer floppy disks and binned those. It’s amazing what I found sitting around over 15+ years!

Then I sorted out the main room which was ok as I don’t have a lot in there, just moving things around. I got rid of my shelving unit and Mum and Dad gave me one of theres which I can now fit the things I wanted in it, without having to get a second unit. Might look at getting 2-3 floating shelves to put above that unit down the track.

I even sorted out my bathroom cabinet and found medication from years ago and other stuff I don’t use, so most of that all went into the bin. Last of all I cleared out things I had in the garage, wasn’t much but it went to the bin or dump. Once I started this whole thing, I had to keep going and complete the mission I was on and it felt good too!

But from now on I won’t be keeping things I don’t need or use as it will just sit around taking up room or put into storage which I want to stay clear of. I only buy things I need so that bit is not to hard for me.

Overall I donated all the clothes and some other things to the Philippines for those in need, donating other things to The Salvation Army and Hospice. Donating these things to those less fortunate than myself, makes me happy.

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